Friday, November 22, 2013

Interesting Things

On the van, on the way home, I was sleeping with music and all of a sudden kicked in front of me with both legs.

I got on Thunder Mountain 1st thinking it was Splash Mountain.

Oh, this is so weird.  Splash Mountain, didn't scream nor feel pain.  Space Mountain fweaked my fweak!  (freaked my freak)  I'm usually so good with it!  And the different paths.

New Photo

New Photo of Me

 photo 2013-05-28-2.png

Mobile Later

may or may not post

 photo 2103-05-27-5.png

Cool Article


Did her dreams come true?

Charlotte Church

She sounded good when she was skinny.  She still does, today..


My dad seems to like to impress people by making both himself and the other shitty.

Too Short

I may be too short to dance with Mickey.  I'm 5'1.5", taller when awake, may as well not go.

No One Cares

Even people like Ellen seem to have to listen to bad people when they are good and want something, but with me being good no one cares cuz they think I'm Chinese.

Sorry, I was so dumb and harsh @ the conservative families and mine not being precious cuz of Chinese?  I just thought it was funny to curse and used it as my last breath of cursing, I mean I could post it somewhere else or cover it up.